Canned Mackerel Soup 鯖缶スープ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a soup of canned mackerel with spring onion and kombu (kelp). The key is it's so easy to cook! You only need to put all of the below into a saucepan and heat it until it boils. Then, season the soup with soy sauce and vinegar if necessary. I learned this soup from a book by Toshiko Okuzono, a Japanese culinary expert. 
  • Canned mackerel
  • Sliced spring onion
  • Shredded dried kombu (Cut dried kombu with scissors!)
  • Grated ginger   
The soup may look plain but is very nutritious, containing protein, calcium, folate, magnesium, vitamins C and K, iodine, and iron. Why not try😉? 

Canned mackerel soup 鯖缶スープ
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