Kaga Fat Cucumber Simmered with Chicken & Salad 加賀太きゅうりの煮物とサラダ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

The first photo is of a Kaga fat cucumber simmered with chicken, green beans, and kombu (kelp) in a broth of soy sauce and mirin (sweet sake for cooking). The Kaga fat cucumber is a cucumber grown locally in Kaga or the Kanazawa city, Ishikawa prefecture. When a friend of mine gave the cucumber to me, I couldn't tell what it was (because it's too fat😆!) and she didn't know what it was either because she'd just got it from a coworker of hers without asking anything. So, I assumed it was a gourd and was surprised😮 to see many small seeds in it because they looked not like a gourd's seeds but a cucumber's (2nd photo).

Luckily, I was able to find several recipes for the fat cucumber. The cucumber can be used to make a salad or pickles as common cucumbers and can be simmered with chicken as bottle or wax gourds. I decided to go both ways😋, making a salad using some of it and simmering the remaining with chicken in a broth.  

Kaga fat cucumber simmered with chicken and green beans 加賀太きゅうりの煮物

Kaga fat cucumber 加賀太きゅうり

Kaga fat cucumber salad 加賀太きゅうりのサラダ
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