Tofu Caprese Salad 豆腐カプレーゼ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I know what you're thinking. This is a caprese salad, so it's not washoku or a Japanese dish, but an Italian dish!! But you're wrong. It's washoku because this is a salad of tomatoes and sliced tofu (not fresh mozzarella😁)!! I'll add basil, pepper, salt, and olive oil just before eating. Some key points to note are:
  • Use momen (cotton) tofu, not kinu (silk) tofu.
  • Drain the tofu for at least 30 minutes to make it firm. 
  • Put a little salt as tofu contains no salt.
The salad is beautiful and filling! You can make this salad a Chinese dish by putting a dressing of soy sauce and sesame oil!

Tofu caprese 豆腐カプレーゼ
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  • 絹じゃなくて木綿豆腐を使うこと。
  • よく水切りすること。
  • 塩はちょっと多めに。

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