Bitter Gourd Salad ゴーヤサラダ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a bitter gourd salad. As always, it's very simple to cook: 
  • Thinly slice bitter gourds and boil them in salted water (to reduce bitter taste). 
  • Pour the gourds into a colander to drain them.
  • Slice tomatoes and tear off tofu.
  • Mix the gourds, tomatoes and tofu and add soy sauce and mirin (sweet sake for cooking).
  • Sprinkle with bonito flakes. 
I got the gourds because I walk and jump rope every day??🤔. To know more, read this post😆!

Bitter Gourd Salad ゴーヤサラダ
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