Japanese Sweet - Shiratama (Rice Flour Dumplings) and Kanten (Agar) Jelly

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I'm exhausted by the current heat and humidity in Japan😅, so I made "shiratama kanten," a Japanese sweet made of shiratame (rice flour dumplings; 2nd photo), kanten (agar) jelly, and syrup-soaked oranges😋. The shiratama dumplings are a kind of mochi and kanten jelly has almost no calories. So, the sweet has no fat and so is very healthy!! As always it's easy to cook!
  • Mix shiratama powder and water and knead the mixture with your hands until smooth.
  • Divide the dough and shape each into a ball of 1 cm in diameter.
  • Put the shiratama balls in boiled water for about 3 minutes until floating to the surface.
  • When floating to the surface, remove them from the pot and put them into cold water.
  • Serve the dumplings, kanten jelly and syrup soaked oranges in a small bowl.  
You can make shiratama dumplings if you have shiratama powder, mochi powder or dango powder, all of which are made from rice flour.   

Shiratama (rice flour dumplings) and kanten (agar) jelly

Shiratama (rice flour dumplings) 白玉
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