Molokhia (Jew's Mallow) Soup モロヘイヤのスープ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I made this molokhia (commonly known as Jew's mallow) soup because it's one of the most popular summer vegetables in Japan!! As always, it's easy to cook:
  • Put water, bonito dashi stock powder, and tofu in a pot and turn on the heat. 
  • When it starts to boil, add chopped molokhia and season the soup with salt, soy sauce and sake.
  • Whisk an egg in a bowl, pour the whisked egg into the soup, and stir the egg around in the soup gently.
Molokhia is a very nutrient rich vegetable, containing beta-carotene, phenolics, total flavonoids, minerals, protein, vitamins, and dietary fiber. With tofu and an egg, the soup is nutritionally a perfect dish!! 
Molokhia (Jew's mallow) soup モロヘイヤのスープ
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