Sauteed Chicken Breast and Onion 鶏むねとタマネギのソテー

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

It seems fatty, but it's not because I used chicken breast. As always it's easy to cook!
  • Soak chicken breast in a marinade of soy sauce and mirin (sweet sake for cooking). The ratio of soy sauce and mirin is 1:1. If soy sauce and/or mirin is unavailable, you can sprinkle the chicken breast with salt and pepper.
  • Saute the chicken.
  • After removing the chicken from the pan, saute sliced onions in the same pan. 
  • Serve the chicken and onion with sliced tomatoes and boiled broccolis. 
As always, it's filling but low-calorie!

Sauteed chicken breast and onion 鶏むねとタマネギのソテー
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