Sponge Gourd Salad & Simmered Dish ヘチマのサラダと煮びたし

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I got three sponge gourds by chance. I was happy but I'd never cooked the gourds. So, I googled recipes for the gourds and decided to cook them in two ways, a salad (1st photo) and a simmered dish (2nd). The recipes are as follows: 

Sponge gourd salad
  • Slice a gourd.
  • Sprinkle the sliced gourds with salt.
  • Massage the sliced gourds and drain them well. 
  • Pour soy sauce on them. 
Simmered sponge gourd
  • Slice a gourd.
  • Heat bonito dashi broth in a pan. 
  • Put the sliced gourds and sliced aburaage (deep fried tofu pouch) in the broth. 
Both taste good, but I found two problems. Sponge gourd's seeds are harder than expected and an inner, sponge-like part of the gourd is really like a sponge🧽, inedible! If you have a chance to cook sponge gourds, you should remove the seeds and that (sponge-like) part😆! But otherwise, the gourds are very juicy and melty. The sponge gourd is almost tasteless, so can be used for any meal. 

Sponge gourd salad ヘチマサラダ

Sponge gourd simmered in bonito dashi broth ヘチマの煮びたし
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