Tomato Atsuage (Deep Fried Tofu Block) Stew 厚揚げのトマト煮込み

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I got bored of the usual tofu, so used atsuage, i.e., deep fried tofu block, to make the dish filling! As always it's easy to cook:
  • Stir fry thinly sliced pork, diced onions with chopped garlic and olive oil.
  • When the onions soften, add atsuage.
  • When the atsuage softens, add curry powder and diced tomatoes and stew them for about 5 minutes.
  • Add okra and adjust the seasoning to taste with salt. 
Tomato atsuage (deep fried tofu block) stew
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