Hiziki & Dried Radish Strips Salad ひじき&切干大根サラダ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I use wakame seaweed but not hiziki seaweed these days, so I ordered hiziki online and made a salad! Hiziki is a nutrient rich brown sea vegetable that contains dietary fiber, calcium, iron, and magnesium. I used dried radish strips, too, so the salad is naturally laxative! As always it's easy to cook! 
  • Soak hiziki in water to rehydrate it and blanch it. 
  • Soak dried radish strips in water to rehydrate them. 
  • Julienne a cucumber.
  • Put the hiziki and radish and cucumber strips in a bowl.
  • Season them with mentsuyu, mayonnaise, and vinegar. (The ratio is 2:2:1.)
If you don't have mentsuyu, you can make it at home by mixing soy sauce, mirin (sweet sake for cooking), bonito dashi stock powder and water in a pan and bring it to a boil. The ratio of soy sauce, mirin and bonito dashi is 4:4:1. You can adjust the strength of taste by changing the amount of water.

Hiziki & dried radish strips salad ひじき&切干大根サラダ
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