Stir-fried Tomato, Wakame Seaweed and King Oyster Mushrooms トマトとワカメとエリンギの炒めもの

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Because I was on summer vacation last week, I didn't have to cook! But now back to reality, I have to prepare three meals a day😂. So, for dinner yesterday, I stir-fried tomatoes, wakame seaweed and king oyster mushrooms! As always it's easy to cook:
  • Soak dried wakame strips in water for a few minutes to rehydrate them.
  • Stir-fry the wakame, tomatoes and mushrooms with sesame oil. 
  • Turn off the heat and sprinkle them with sesame seeds.  
You can eat this as it is or can cool it in the fridge to put some on tofu (2nd photo)!

Stir-fried tomato, wakame seaweed and king oyster mushrooms

Tofu with stir-fried tomato, wakame, king oyster mushrooms and molokhia
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