Grilled Sardines in Tomato Sauce 焼鰯のトマトソースがけ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

You may wonder if it's a Japanese food, but I, who am Japanese, made it in Japan using only Japanese ingredients, so please allow me to say it is! As always, it's easy to cook:
  • Sprinkle sardines with salt and pepper.
  • Grill them in olive oil over a gentle heat. 
  • When cooked, take the sardines out of the pan.
  • Put diced tomatoes in the pan and add salt, pepper and grated garlic.
  • Simmer the tomatoes down to a thick sauce. 
  • Put the sauce on the grilled sardines. 
I made one mistake about the sauce. I made too much!! 

Grilled sardines in tomato sauce 焼鰯のトマトソースがけ
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