Miso Hiziki Seaweed 味噌ひじき

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

You may wonder what this is (and if it's really tasty....). It's stir-fried hiziki seaweed with miso, mirin (sweet sake for cooking) and sugar. The hiziki dish can be used as a topping on, for example, hiyayakko tofu, like in the second photo. As always, it's easy to make:
  • Soak hiziki seaweed (about 20g) to rehydrate it.
  • Stir fry hiziki for a couple of minutes and add two spoonfuls of miso, two spoonfuls of mirin, and a spoonful of sugar.
  • Turn off the heat and add bonito flakes (5g).
You can use this hiziki as a topping for steamed vegetables, too😀! 

Stir-fried hiziki seaweed with miso 甘味噌ひじき炒め

Miso hiziki on tofu 冷奴のトッピング
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