Tuna & Tomato Salad マグロとトマトのサラダ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

It's been excruciatingly hot in Japan, so I made a salad of tuna, tomato, and onion. As always, it's easy to make:
  • Thinly slice onions (1/4) and soak them in cold water. Dice a tomato.
  • Mix the diced tomato and onion slices and add a spoonful of olive oil, half a teaspoon of salt and grated garlic.
  • Put the tomato and onion topping on tuna slices.
The salad goes well with white wine🥂! You can use the tomato topping for other dishes, too, such as boiled meat and vegetables! 

Tuna & tomato salad マグロとトマトのサラダ
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