Miso Soup of Canned Mackerel and Vegetables 鯖缶味噌汁

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I ate too much at lunch yesterday, so I made this miso soup for dinner as follows: 
  • Put canned mackerel and the soup (which is very important!) in a soup pot.
  • Put any vegetables in the refrigerator in the pot. I used radish, carrot and leek.
  • Last but not least, add koya dofu (frozen dried tofu). If you don't have it, use usual tofu.    
This miso soup is VERY nutritious, containing animal (mackerel) and plant (tofu and miso) proteins and vitamins A and C. Also, the koya dofu contains protein seven timers more than usual tofu as well as calcium and mineral. By using the soup in the can, you don't need dashi. Why don't you try to make it?  

Miso soup of canned mackerel and vegetables 鯖缶味噌汁
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