Red Wine Wax Gourd Compote 冬瓜の赤ワインコンポート


I love wax gourds, but always wondered if there were any dessert recipes using the gourd and I found one yesterday! Red wine wax gourd compote! It's easy to cook as usual.
  • Put sliced wax gourd (a half of a small one) and water into a pan and bring to the boil.
  • When the water is heated, add sugar (50g; increase if you want to make it sweeter).
  • When the gourd becomes translucent, add red wine (60cc) and a spoonful of lemon juice.
  • When it's cooled, put it in the fridge.    
While I was eating the compote, which was very good, an idea came to my mind💡! I mixed the syrup made in the process of making the compote with soda (2nd photo). The compote and the syrup with soda are both beautiful and tasted good!!  
Red wine wax gourd compote 冬瓜の赤ワインコンポート

The syrup with soda シロップのソーダ割り
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