Sukiyaki with Chili Sauce チリソースすき焼き


Ta-da♬!! I made it. This is sukiyaki with chili sauce! I learned the recipe while watching a TV show hosted by Asuka Wada, a Japanese food researcher. As always, it's easy to cook (and delicious)!

  1. Pan sear sliced Japanese leek.
  2. Add sliced tomato.
  3. When the tomato is cooked, add soy sauce, mirin and sake in the ratio 1:1:1 and sugar.
  4. Then add thinly sliced beef (for sukiyaki).
  5. Dip in raw egg with Chili sauce before eating. 
If you don't eat raw eggs, disregard 5. To conclude the sukiyaki meal, I put two mochi cakes in the pan. They were of course delicious! Needless to say, sukiyaki goes well with red wine!  

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