Daikon Radish Leaf Omelette 大根葉の卵焼き

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I stir-fried Japanese daikon radish leaves a week ago. At that time, I ate half of them and put the other half in the fridge. And today, I made this omelette with stir-fried daikon radish leaves in it! The omelette is seasoned with soy sauce and mirin (sweet sake for cooking), so this is definitely washoku, a Japanese dish!! 

I often freeze and store boiled or stir-fried vegetables, e.g., daikon radish leaves, mustard spinach, usual spinach, and broccoli. Easy to use, especially you're busy in the evening. Oh, I forgot to say but please ignore the messy shape of the omelette😆! 

Daikon radish leaf omelette 大根葉のオムレツ
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