Dried Radish Strips Salad 切干大根サラダ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a salad of: 
  • Kiriboshi daikon radish (i.e., dried radish strips)
  • Deep-fried tofu pouch (aburaage)
  • Sliced carrots and cucumbers
  • Seasoned with soy sauce and mirin (sweet sake for cooking).
The key points are to:
  • add salt to sliced carrots and cucumbers to draw out their extra moisture before mixing with the other ingredients; and
  • lightly fry aburaage without oil (because the tofu pouch is already deep-fried) so that it absorbs the vegetables' moisture. 
Dried radish strips are nutrient rich, containing sodium, calcium, vitamins B1 and B2, iron, and magnesium. Also, the stripes are a natural laxative😆!! Why not try?!

Dried Radish strips (kiriboshi daikon) salad 切干大根サラダ
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