Chicken and Vegetable Stew 鶏肉と夏野菜の煮込み

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Yesterday, I got tomatoes from the caretaker of a public garden in my neighborhood!! So, I made a chicken and vegetable stew! As always it's easy to cook:
  • Brown chicken with olive oil in a pan.
  • Add carrots (because there were too many in the fridge😁), onions, eggplants and tomatoes. You can add any vegetables!
  • Stew them until tender and soft. Season with salt and pepper. 
You can add chopped garlic. I didn't this time because it ran out, but still the stew was tasty😋! Can you see the tomatoes the caretaker of a public garden in my neighborhood gave to me? If you’re interested in why he gave the tomatoes and other vegetables (e.g., sponge and bitter gourds), read this post!

Chicken and vegetable stew 鶏肉と夏野菜の煮込み
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