Grilled Chicken with Thick Starchy Shiitake Mushroom Sauce 鶏モモ肉の野菜あんかけ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is grilled chicken with thick starchy sauce made of mustard spinach, shiitake mushrooms and deep fried tofu pouch. I made this for a reason. I bought a lot of shiitake mushrooms at a very good price!! 

One of the grocery stores in my neighborhood sells at around 11 a.m. every day vegetables whose best buy dates will come in a couple of days. They're still very fresh and and you know what? Most vegetables can be stored in the freezer! So, that day I got about 50 shiitake mushrooms and used ten of them for this and put the remaining in the freezer. Now, I'm thinking of another recipe for there shiitake mushrooms😋!

Grilled chicken with thick starchy sauce
made of mustard spinach and shiitake mushrooms
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