Salad of Fried Summer Vegetables 夏野菜の炒めびたし

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I love vegetables, so I fried eggplants, green peppers, and tomatoes with sesame oil. As always it's easy to cook! 
  • Cut vegetables and fry them in a pan with sesame oil.
  • Mix soy sauce, mirin (sweet sake for cooking), water and grated ginger in a container. The ratio of soy sauce, mirin and water is 1:1:2.
  • Add the fried vegetables. Put the container in the fridge.  
You can use any summer vegetables and substitute olive oil for sesame oil!! The salad goes well with white wine🥂!

Salad of fried summer vegetables 夏野菜の炒めびたし
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