Wax Gourd Soup 冬瓜スープ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a wax gourd soup, one of my summer favorite dishes. As always, it's nutrient rich and easy to cook:
  • Peel a wax gourd and cut it into small pieces. I cut it into 4 to 5 cm pieces. 
  • Cut chicken into the same size of pieces. 
  • Cut kelp with scissors into 2 cm strips. 
  • Put the gourd, chicken, and kelp, grated ginger and water in a pan and simmer them until tender.
  • Add mustard spinach and bonito dashi stock powder.
  • Season the soup with salt, mirin (sake for cooking) and soy sauce. 
You can eat the soup while it's hot or cool it before eating! 

Wax gourd soup 冬瓜スープ
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夏の定番、冬瓜スープです。鶏肉と昆布と生姜のすりおろしと一緒に煮て、最後に緑の野菜を足すだけ。温かいままでも冷たくしてもいけますよ♬ 冬瓜を料理していると夏だな~と思います。
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