Stir-Fried Dried Radish Strips & Hiziki 切干大根とひじきの炒め煮

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is a super healthy dish, using two traditional ingredients for Japanese food, i.e., dried radish strips and hiziki seaweed!! As always, it's easy to cook: 
  • Soak dried radish strips and hiziki seaweed in water to rehydrate them.
  • Stir fry the radish strips, hiziki, shredded carrots and mustard spinach with sesame oil. 
  • Season with mentsuyu. 
Dried radish strips and hiziki seaweed are both natural laxatives and both contain magnesium and calcium.  

Stir-fried dried radish strips & hiziki
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